Tuesday, October 6, 2009


How can I do the same things as Photoshop does on my computer without paying the hefty price for it? Or does anyone know of a great knockoff???

$$$$$Photoshop$$$$$?house call

This program is reletively easy to use, free and very powerful. Very good substitute for photoshop some even say it is better than photoshop.



Gimp is completely legal and free, it's OpenSource and the philosophy of OpenSource is to design software through a cooperative community that makes the software available for anyone to use. So there are a bunch of programmers, designers, testers who put these programs together, make the code (Open source code) available for anyone who is inclined to work on it and improve it, or modify it to create their own versions. This is counter to how big companies work, where they try to keep the product code proprietary and definitely do not let anyone mess with it. So Open Source encourages people to experiment and improve things, and depends on the community sharing their ideas and work, and that includes getting input from people who use the software that they are putting together. So if you use Gimp and have some ideas of ways to improve it, or features you'd like to see, there are forums where you can talk about this, and someone might pick up your ideas and see if they can make it work, and so Gimp is improved, and everyone benefits.

So go download it because you cannot get Photoshop without paying for it.
A great knockoff is GIMP. GIMP will have almost all of the features you're looking for. If you're just looking for something that will do more of the basic things that Photoshop does, I would recommend checking out Paint.NET.

Hope that helps!



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