Tuesday, October 6, 2009


okay HELP ME. im in a pickle with photoshop.

i need to know like how to change like an eye color! pronto

so help!!!

Photoshop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?computer virus

All the steps above are good, but they are permanent. Meaning you have to do the steps again if you decide later on to change to a different color.

Here's one way to be more flexible:

1. Open your image

2. Use any selection tool ur comportable with and select the two iris, don't include the eyelid of course (use shift key to have 2 separate selection)

3. Then go to Layer-%26gt;New Adjustment Layer-%26gt;Hue/saturation press ok

4. A Hue/Saturation window will pop up. Check the Color checkbox on the bottom right. And its just as simple as sliding the saturation and hue slider to change the color. Once your done press ok. Save your work as psd for editing later and one as jpg for distribution. And you're done.

5. If you decide later on that you don't like the color, just open ur psd file. Once open just click the hue/saturation layer and the Hue/Saturation window will pop up. Just use the slider again to change the color.

There ya go!

Check this video, there's a part there that shows you changes in eye color.


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