Monday, October 5, 2009

Photoshop help!! QUICK!!?

Hi guys/girls/ladies/gentlemen...

I have been using Adobe Photoshop for quite some time now but i have heard that i can download photoshop FILTERS... Can anyone gie me some information about them? Does anyone know where i can get them for free from? Like any specific websites??

I have searched on google/yahoo but havent been able to find much.. Also i would like to know that once i have downloaded these filters, how would i install them into Adobe Photoshop?

I use Adobe Photoshop CS3 if thats of any help to you lot..

Thanks in advance :)

Photoshop help!! QUICK!!?virus

You must have misspelled something. Searching with Google for "photoshop filters" returns nearly 300,000 hits. Here is one site that Google listed that states it has 1,000's of filters for Photoshop.

I can't tell you which ones you should get because I don't know what you are looking for the filters to do. If you also Google "installing photoshop filters" and, whoa! there are another 100,000+ hits.

Sometime filters, and actions, brushes, patterns, are referred to as "plugins". Google is your best friend.

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