Monday, October 5, 2009

Photoshop 7 and photoshop cs3, which one is better?

may i use two version at the same time since some brushes i downloaded is for 7 and some are for cs3. may brushes for photoshop 7 be used in photoshop cs3? will photoshop cs3 slow down the pc? i mean it needs more capacities to run smooth. thank you.

Photoshop 7 and photoshop cs3, which one is better?virus protection software

you do the same thing on either version

Just copy the brushes from psp7 to cs3.

The folders are called plug-in inside photoshop folder

Photoshop 7 and photoshop cs3, which one is better?adware

of course you can use both at once but it'll just make your PC slower!! like they said copy the brushes to the PS.cs3 folder and remove 7 from your PC, cs3 has more features and still has the ones in 7... so it's like 2 in 1 :)

if you don't have an (iMac) then i don't recommend downloading a lot of Adobe programs at once it'll kill your computer..
Well, CS3 is the latest version, making it the "Cadillac" version of Photoshop. I use 7, and it works well for editing and retouching my photos, but it lacks a lot of features that CS3 has. If you run both versions at the same time, you'll put more load on your CPU and it will make the computer run a little slower. This all depends on your computer's specs, though. Faster processor and more ram = faster computer, and the ability to run more programs at once.



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