I own the Adobe Photoshop 7 program. I used it with my older computer with windows xp.
Recently I baught a high end media pc with windows vista.
First thing I did was to install my Adobe photoshop 7 and also my LiveMotion 2.0. Well there is a conflict with windows vista and I ended up loosing all my disk rom drivers. Had to take it back to factory settings and everything was fine.
I want to load my photoshop 7 and haven't found any info to convince me to load it up safely without loosing my rom drives again! I'm thinking that the "LiveMotion" may have been the problem and I don't care to install that now. I just want my photoshop back! Any suggestions?
Adobe Photoshop 7?anti virus software
PhotoShop 7 and Vista are not guaranteed to work together. Many people have problems.
You can try running it in compatibility mode. Right Click on the Photoshop executable, select 'Compatibility' and then 'Run this program in Compatibility mode for:', and select Windows XP2 SP2.
No guarantee however.
You might consider upgrading to CS3 (which is Version 10) since you still qualify for the upgrade. Adobe goes back three versions for upgrade. It's now or never for you with the upgrade option - otherwise it's a full version purchase for you.
Good luck, and CS3 is way better than Version 7. Worth the upgrade.
Adobe Photoshop 7?aurora
Wow, the amount of problems that Vista is causing the world is insane. The only advice I can give as a IT Tech is to go to Adobe.com and see if they offer any updates (under support) and see if there are any updates or patches for Vista systems. I am sure that Adobe has been made aware of this problem by now.
it would be an easy decision for me to install xp on the machine ..
contact adobe, you payed them hundreds of dollars, they will bend over backwards to help you
unless you didnt pay, in which case look at the faqs and check for new patches which add vista compability
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