is there any tip or tricks site that you can look at for a better understanding on using photoshop?
Photoshop......?computer virus
hope those help-
Photoshop......?free spyware remover That's like asking if there are any books on car repair!!!
There are thousands of books and websites on Photoshop. What are you trying to do? What do you want to learn?
I've used Photoshop for almost 10 years and I learn new tips/tricks every month from various sources. My husband just bought a book on using channels- one of the thousands of features of Photoshop.
You're going to have to be more specific.
This site has some amazing tutorials that can really give you an idea of what photoshop can do:
There are literally hundreds of tutorials there. Just do a search on something that you want to try. Here's an easy one to get you started:
Adobe has all sorts of tutorials. Also, there is a tutorial in the help menu of photoshop.